La tempestad bendijo mi despertar marino.
“La tempestad bendijo mi despertar marino.” Rimbaud, extraído de “El barco ebrio”. #mar #rimbaud #tempestad

"Hexápoda" en el Festival de Fotografía "Begira"
#hexapoda #begira #festival #photography #fotografia

"Hexápoda" en imprenta.
#hexapoda #imprenta #print

Hemendik 26/4
#hemendik #begira #hexapoda #prensa #press #newspaper #periodico

Martxan, 13/04
Cada viaje es irreversible.
"Cada viaje es irreversible". Ursula K. Le Guin #leguin #viaje

Viv Albertine (Slits). #berlin #music #concert #concierto #musica

Andree & Gianlu, i miei berlinesi preferiti. Or how to jump from U-Bahn to S-Bahn. #berlin #gianlu #andrea
The instant doesn't exist.
The instant doesn't exist. Time stays still. The straight connection with the photographed subject. It's the come back to the elementary...

"C'mon, show me your ink". Tessie. #berlin #tessie

Arm aber sexy
Berlin ist arm, aber sexy.

Exhibition: 129 Gallery, Berlin.
Multiplicity. “History of multiples is the history of the emancipation from the idea of the original, the of the release from the aura of...

Visions from Berlin

#granada #patri

Siria ' 10
Operai al lavoro nel palazzo orientale. Qatna, Siria. 1650-1640 b.C. Oggi sembra difficile da distinguere delle rovine contemporanee....